Teams Are Crucial To Success

At some point, you can't do everything yourself.

When it comes to being a remote freelancer you learn something really quick; you have to wear a lot of hats to become successful. With that being said, you either need to spend hours, of which you typically don’t have, to learn different crafts and skills other than your main one, or you need to outsource and get yourself a team. No matter what you’re trying to do, at some point, you can’t do everything yourself. We’re going to talk about two sides of this coin. One side is the person who is getting so busy that they need a team and the other side being from the creative who is going to be a valuable asset to a team without them knowing they even need it.

In this day and age, it’s getting harder and harder to be a one off skilled talent when it comes to finding your own success. What I mean by this is that if you’re trying to make your own name whether it be in music, business, vlogging, entrepreneurship, film, photography, literally anything, it is nearly impossible to be just that anymore. For example, and one that I fell very deep into is music. I fell in love with music at a young age and started writing songs. Aside from drums, I never really played a musical instrument so I just wrote songs to hip hop beats that we’re available to download online. Right from that moment, I had to wear hat number two and learn how to be an audio engineer. I wanted to record my own music so I had to learn about the software and the hardware, which was a Rock Band video game microphone to start because it was USB, in order to record the songs I was writing. After recording around two dozen songs or so, people were asking me to release them, so hat number three came into play. I started teaching myself graphic design in order to design album cover artwork for the songs I was creating along with promo material to promote the music and myself as a musical artist. After this, I started dabbling with making music videos for myself, so there was hat number four naturally. After I took this serious for a couple years, I had to teach myself web design to make myself a website, marketing to promote my music and music management in order to distribute my music and get gigs, etc. This was exhausting considering every song I wrote turned into a two week process of doing everything that came along with it afterwards on top of a regular full time job that I was working. Eventually I outsourced a lot of these things, but this got so expensive and the little bit of streaming revenue wasn’t covering it. It got to the point where I couldn’t juggle it all anymore and I couldn’t afford to keep outsourcing the other things I needed so I ended up resenting the thing that I fell in love with for ten years and I quit making music.

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Now, I’m not saying it isn’t possible and people do it all of the time with other types of situations, but it does take a toll on you and it eventually compromises your main talents. You may make beautiful music or have amazing ideas as vlogger, but if you’re creating your own visual content and that isn’t your main talent, it will take away from the main thing you are trying to be. My example is that I wasn’t that great at recording my own music, so even if I had a new song that I thought was amazing, it never sounded as good as it could have if it was recorded at a studio where the engineers do that for a living. I also know a vlogger who has amazing content ideas, however he does his own videos and they really aren’t that good because he’s not a video editor. This is why teams are so critical when it comes to success with virtually anything nowadays.

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On the other side of the coin, there are creative talents who are trying to solely focus on and hone in on one skill. However, the issue arises with them that it’s not the easiest thing to do in the world when it comes to finding consistent freelance work. Not only that, but when you tend you work with one off clients time after time, you don’t ever really get to know them and never get to develop the proper chemistry that forms from longer creative relationships you get in from a team. Sure it may pay the bills getting these one off jobs, but you may never reach your full creative potential by never developing chemistry with any of your clients.

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That being said and In my opinion, I feel like pride takes a huge role in these types of situations, on both sides. Typically the person who could use a team doesn’t want to give creative liberties to anyone else for their content. And on the other side of it, the creative who would make an amazing teammate doesn’t want to work for anyone else so to speak and they want to be their own creative as a single player. With all of this said, I really think that people need to get together and create, or bild, more. Everyone needs to focus and really grind doing only the talents they love and not sacrifice the quality of their work over money. Meaning, if more people collaborated without the thought of money involved, the world would have so much more beautiful content out there. Form teams and collaborate focusing on a similar goal and the reward from changing the world that way by creating organically beautiful content will be far greater than any monetary reward. Let your guard down, let people in and find people who are looking for the same thing you are on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Let’s all get together and bild something amazing today!

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